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Welcome to Butterflies


Here, in Butterflies, Miss Lindsay teaches Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 with the support of Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Mrs Green and Teaching Assistant, Ms Naylor.


Our class is a positive, nurturing and supportive environment where we encourage personal development and provide opportunities for challenges. We aim to provide a safe and secure environment where children find fun and success in learning.



Please make sure that your child has their PE kit in school at all times. PE sessions take place on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Please ensure that earrings are removed for PE days, as jewellery must not be worn for PE sessions.  Hair should be tied back if it is long enough.



Creative Homework:

Creative homework will be sent out each half-term. The children will have a list of creative homework tasks linked to their current topic to choose from. These homework tasks are designed to enhance and deepen your child’s learning. For each task completed, points will be earned; those who earn at least 15 points for the half-term will be awarded a Headteacher’s Star and also have their work shared with the class. Please support your child in completing these tasks to the best of their ability.



We encourage a love for reading. Children will have two books at one time: one for Accelerated Reader; and one for reading for pleasure. They are allowed, and encouraged, to take their books home. Children read their Accelerated Reading book in school each day and enjoy daily story time too. Children are expected to regularly read at home, ideally at least five times a week. This should be recorded in their Reading Record which must be brought to school every day.  


Times Tables:

Times tables are vital to support the understanding in many areas of maths and a secure knowledge of multiplication, and the associated division facts, can increase confidence and attainment in maths. Your child has access to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) which is an excellent resource to help them master their times tables. Please support your child in this crucial element of learning by encouraging them to practise regularly.



Spellings are covered in class on a Monday and will be assessed on a Friday. Children will be sent home worksheets based on their weekly spellings each week which must be returned by a Friday. They can also practise their spellings via EdShed where weekly spelling rules will be set for your child. Please support your child/ren in learning their spellings and encourage them to practise in short bursts each day.



Century is an online platform which we have been using in school over the last year. In order to support/ reinforce core academic knowledge, we will be using Century to set some weekly homework (Maths and/ or punctuation and grammar). Your child(ren) has a log-on.


If you have any queries or concerns at any point, please do contact school.


Thanks for your support

Butterflies’ Team
