School Logo


The school's Governing Body is ultimately responsible for everything that happens in school.  They meet at least once each term.  Governors can be contacted via Mrs Gibson in the school office.


Message from the Chair of Governors

As a Governing Body, we are very proud to work together in partnership with the Executive Headteacher, staff and parents, to ensure the provision of a good education for our children, whatever their needs, at Hackforth and Hornby CE Primary School.


As a Governing Body we aim to support the school in all areas to ensure that every child thrives, is empowered and gets the best possible education whilst at Hackforth and Hornby CE Primary School.

We set targets for improvement and ensure that the National Curriculum is delivered in an effective manner and that pupil outcomes are good.


The Governing Body is made up of elected parents, representatives of the local community, school staff (including the Executive Headteacher), Foundation members appointed by the Church, as well as members appointed by the Local Authority. We work in cooperation with staff and parents to meet the emotional, educational, physical and spiritual needs of all our pupils.


Our role is to provide a strategic direction for the school and to also provide oversight of the school management. In order for us to help our school provide the best possible education for our pupils, we:

  • think and work strategically to help raise standards;

  • monitor and evaluate progress towards the school’s priorities;

  • support the Executive Headteacher and staff to challenge their expectations;

  • account to all stakeholders for the school’s performance and for the decisions we make.


We are involved in areas of school management such as:

  • the financial management of the school;

  • the curriculum;

  • pupil welfare and discipline;

  • appointment and dismissal of staff;

  • property and buildings;

  • links with parents;

  • community links;

  • health and safety.


Individual governors have special responsibilities (for example special educational needs, safeguarding and wellbeing).

We have a responsibility to ensure that decisions are implemented, and that we evaluate their effectiveness. To do this we receive information from the Executive Headteacher, other staff and fellow governors, and we also make visits to school.


Chair of Governors

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Governing Body





Appointed By

Term in Office

Other Positions of Responsibility

Business Interests*


Mrs Laura Moss

Co-opted Governor 


Governing Body

4 years expiring 01/07/2024

Vice Chair



Mr Dan Spencer

Parent Governor


Parent election

4 years expiring 13/12/2024




Rev Chris Lawton      

Ex-officio Foundation Governor    



Duration of incumbency




Mrs Doreen Longstaff

Foundation Governor



4 years expiring 19/07/2026




Mrs Jane Wood

Executive Headteacher


Instrument of Government





Mr David KeepCo-opted Governor Governing Body4 years expiring 17/10/2027 NoneNone
Miss Rochelle NaylorStaff Governor Staff  NoneNone


Local Authority








Parent Governor







Members of the Governing Body who have stepped down in the last 12 months

Mrs Sam Poole

 Staff Governor



Left School 31/08/2023




Mrs Jane AldridgeCo-opted Governor Governing BodyLeft 24/01/2024   



 * Relevant business interests of governors and details of any other educational establishments they govern

** Relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives
