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PE & Sport Premium

PE & Sports Premium


Please click the link below for general information about the Government's PE and Sport Premium funding.

Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium 2021/2022


Since 2013, all UK schools have received funding from the Department for Education.  The purpose of the funding is to improve the provision of PE and school sport.  Our school already has a well-established positive attitude towards sport and exercise and pupils are given lots of opportunities in school to try new activities, with a strong emphasis on participation and enjoyment.  We are fully committed to promoting active and healthy lifestyles.


Our offer continually includes the following:


  • PE lessons which are aimed at developing skills that can easily be transferred into individual and team sports.  Every child takes part in at least two hours of PE per week, including games, athletics, gymnastics, dance and outdoor and adventurous activities.  
  • The opportunity to have swimming lessons, with catch up lessons available, to ensure that they can swim 25 metres before they leave primary school. Sadly, it was not possible to take our children swimming in the 2021/21 academic year.  However, swimming lessons have resumed in January 2022, in line with National Curriculum requirements.  In addition to this, we pledged to ensure that Y6 non-swimmers continued to swim weekly until they were able to swim confidently. All Y6 were able to swim 25m confidently - 100%.  
  • Opportunities to attend both lunch and after-school active clubs.
  • Opportunities to enter as many inter-school competitions as possible, involving children of ranging age and abilities. Inclusion is a priority for our school and we aim to provide all children with the chance to represent their school as part of a competitive team.  We have remained committed to giving our children the chance to participate and did so in a number of competitions.  Inclusion is a priority for our school and we provided all children with the chance to represent their school as part of a competitive team.
  • The offer of a range of after school and lunchtime sports clubs throughout the year for all ability and age groups, including athletics, cricket and football.
  • A commitment to providing our children with a rich and broad range of sporting experiences from which we hope they will find ‘their sport’ and lead an active lifestyle.  In July 2022, we were able to offer our Year 6 children the chance to experience sailing at Thornton Steward.  


Below is the link to our Evidencing the impact of the Primary PE and sport premium document which summarises our Intent, Implementation and Impact of spending during the 2021/22 academic year. 

Should you require any further information, please contact the School.

The Impact of Our Offer

We believe that it is important to provide all children at STW with the opportunity to be involved in inter-school competitions.  Whilst it is always nice to win, we recognise and promote the 'taking part' and 'sportsmanship' aspects of competing, along with the success of personal achievements.
