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Ofsted, SIAMS & Performance Data

Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.

SIAMS Inspection:

As our school is a Church of England Primary School, it is also inspected by the National Society who work closely with the Church of England. The SIAMS inspection focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children who attend it. We were last inspected in March 2022 and are proud of the many positive comments:

  • This is a welcoming, nurturing and inclusive small village school where every child truly does matter. Pupils are empowered to be the very best they can be, as stated in the school’s vision: ‘Learning, Growing and Hoping.’
  • The behaviour of pupils at the school is very good. They have formed strong and supportive relationships with adults and their peers. Pupils understand that people come from a range of different backgrounds and are respectful when talking about different beliefs. Diversity is embraced by pupils.
  • The curriculum offer from the school aims to empower pupils to learn and grow and provide a hope for the future.
  • Staff are committed to ensuring that every pupil is supported to be the very best that they can be.